
I’m a Professor Emeritus of Psychology at , recently retired from the University of Alabama, and was a Professor at Texas A&M University for…well…let’s just say a lot of years before that. I have published extensively on how people can best make use of their knowledge for creativity and innovation. I served as Editor of Journal of Creative Behavior for 10 years and have held lots of other editorial board memberships for scholarly journals in the field of Psychology. I also created and (occasionally) maintain creativityforyou.com, a kind of companion website devoted to both basic and applied issues in creativity, and I blog at Psychology Today and The Creativity Post.

This site is about creativity in all its forms. As a scientist, I’m interested in the study of creativity and will post about new research findings, especially ones that can help people be more creative. As a dabbler in photography, painting and music I’d like to hear about and feature inspiring examples of those and other forms of creativity. As one nearing the transition point from work to retirement, I also want to embrace the greater freedom to push my own creative boundaries and encourage others to do so too (see my post about Photography as Creative Expression as an example).

Follow me here at WordPress and I will do the same to see what you are up to in this magical world of interconnectedness.

14 thoughts on “About”

  1. I’ve always been interested in psychology, and since retiring I’ve found time to do all the creative things that I never had time for. Your site looks extremely interesting and I’ll look forward to reading more!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Just read “Creative Thought: An Investigation of Conceptual Structures and Processes.” I am an engineer, and the understanding of the semantic explanation of coming up with a creative, original idea is very useful. I firmly believe the engineering discipline needs more creativity based programs versus memorizing things from a book.


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