A Past-due Purple Post

via Daily Prompt: Purple

Violets (I think) in my backyard after a morning shower…

A continuation of an earlier post. Still exploring the limits of my iPhone using the camera+ app for macro lens simulation with no special attachment. Focusing precisely still a challenge with the smallish SE screen, but not bad for just a phone, I think.

Since it is a writing prompt

Roses are red. These Violets aren’t blue. Here they are anyway, first one, then two πŸ˜‰

violets modified 012

Better in pairs…

dual violets 009

Copyright ©  Thomas Ward 2017




Published by

Thomas Ward

Professor Emeritus of Psychology, University of Alabama. Research focus on creativity.

14 thoughts on “A Past-due Purple Post”

  1. Nice picture but honestly? I assume you depend on me somewhat for that…the content was dull. Want to read more about you and your thought provoking words. XOXO

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Prof. Ward,

    Your photos are lovely. I guess ‘violets are blue’ fit in the verse better than ‘violets are purple.’ Of course Roger Miller rhymed the line with “So’s maple surple.” Aside from the silliness I was directed to your page and wonderful pictures by one of my followers since my blog site is entitled “Addicted to Purple.” rochellewisoff.com


    Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Roses are red,
    Some are ugly black,
    These flowers are purple,
    What am I writing here
    Like a silly turtle?

    Very nice photos, especially considering the type of device, although mistaking with DSLR would be a bit too much of flattery. What it makes even better and complete, the captured water drops with, on the first bigger image. A nice moment to capture.

    Liked by 1 person

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